Young Black voters, keep applying the pressure!

Michael Daniels
5 min readJul 17, 2020

Young voters, specifically young Black voters, make Biden and the Democrats earn your votes! Treat this like a romantic ‘entanglement’ & don’t settle for less than what you deserve!

I do not own the rights to this awesome image.

I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired. I’m tired of being called lazy while engaging in nothing but hard work. I’m tired of needing a college degree to get a good-paying job, but that college degree costing me more than I’ll make in a year at this alleged ‘good-paying job.’ I’m terrified that I’ll never be able to afford to have children. I’m even more terrified that I’ll have children just for the planet to explode. Do you know what I’m most tired of? I’m most tired of the very people that destroyed our economy, planet, and our futures, demanding that I vote for who they want me to.

If it’s one thing Boomers have, it’s the audacity. I’m terrified of Trump, I truly am. Cornel West correctly refers to him as a ‘neo-fascist gangster.’ I have no plans to vote for him. However, the political party that refuses even to attempt to guarantee us all paid-sick leave and Healthcare in a global pandemic isn’t going to help me enough either. The party who’s legislative leaders didn’t bother to remember George Floyd’s name don’t deserve my vote. The people that decided that instead of writing legislation to defund the police, it was better to kneel while donning Kente cloths as a means of addressing police brutality. I don’t believe that they deserve any of our votes. They need to beat Trump to retain their legitimacy, and we need to beat Trump to sustain our lives. I propose that we bully these SOBs into earning our support.

Joe Biden sucks, we all know it. His track record, whack! His policy proposals, whack! His speaking skills, whack! Me? I’m…terrified of what his Presidency would most likely bring *insert crying emoji here*. We don’t have a better option, though, do we? Well, Howie Hawkins and Mark Charles would make superb Presidents in my opinion, but I know, I know…they’d never win enough votes to actually win the Presidency, so why waste a vote on…



Michael Daniels

I’m an Anarcho- Communist writer that focuses mostly on Black Liberation. Student of Prison Abolition & Pan-Africanism. Not quite 30 yet.